She admitted to using a number of smoked

  • She admitted to using a number of smoked briskets to persuade five people to grill themselves.
  • Those five people are now suffering from numerous burns and are missing parts of their limbs. Cannibalism seems to be on the rise since the incident. Detective Baker
  • flared his nostrils in disgust. He knew who was behind this carnage. Det. Baker had been trying to track down & capture the Midnight Cannibal for near 20 years, but every time he
  • went on a stake out, he passed out before midnight and woke up disoriented hours later; meanwhile the Midnight Cannibal had eluded him yet again. Det. Baker had narcolepsy, but
  • he also had an uncanny sense which Chief Inspector Candlemaker respected, for Det. Baker always napped near the scene of that butcher the Midnight Cannibals crimes. But this time
  • he had decided that his curiosity was way more powerfull than his ability to stay discreet. He moved quitely behing the the pices of meat hanging from the ceiling, the noise of the
  • butcher didn't cover the whisper of his voice on the phone and the crowd heard his anxiously of when
  • the punk band at the 5th floor of the abandoned block started its gig and as it was expected for once again
  • and henceforth they jumped scissor style & twanged their guitars and their hair spiked and mascara ran and their acne glowed in the gloomy space & everyone pogoed like it was 1979
  • . People even went to cinemas queuing to see Moonraker opening all over again. Fancy Bond and Goodhead fighting Drax in space and chased by Jaws. Awesome dental work by the way.


  1. lucielucie Mar 22 2014 @ 19:19

    That smoked brisket trick fools them every time.

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