There was nothing strange about Marvin.

  • There was nothing strange about Marvin. His mother had reassured him. Others might wonder about his
  • lludium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator, especially when he brought it to Show n Tell. But he always gave a hare raising performance, and the others were all ears. Marvin would
  • play trix on the other kids. Getting hims to stop was like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. But usually the things he did would have the kids lapin it up. So he
  • hops on over here, missing me by a hare. "Bugs," I said, "you shoulda taken that left turn at Albequerque." He was quick and stabbed at me with the carrot. I fell back and he
  • fell on top of me. He shouted in pain as the pear hidden in my coat jabbed him in the ribs. I ran for the door of the shop when an apple hit me on the back of the head and I was
  • knocked unconscious. When I woke up, I was in a secret lab miles below the surface of the earth strapped to gurney with many wires and contraptions protruding from my body parts.
  • How did I know I was in a secret lab many miles below the surface of the earth? I found out later, okay? Anyway, guys in masks were wheeling my away from the android OP when cyber
  • ninjas from the future busted through the air ducts with plasma katanas. I wasn't in the mood for this and stared at them all angrily. The type of stare that physically hurt
  • your spleen. And in doing so, the ninjas horrified, retreated with fear. That was the day Long John Silver, a pirate, will never forget. His hatred for ninjas was known.
  • to have consumed almost all of Long John Silver's booty. Ninjas sure are expensive! He used his remaining dubloons to open a chain of greasy fast food fish restaurants.


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