There's a man goin' 'round takin' names,

  • There's a man goin' 'round takin' names, and he decides who to free and who to blame. Everybody won't be treated all the same. There'll be a golden ladder reachin' down, when the
  • Father of the cosmos listens to this clown, or you get the gym rope leading up to God's town, heaven or hell is where we all go, but this guy's making the list
  • of extra items they'll need: A spare rope, bleach, pills, insecticide, magic mushrooms, the harry potter series, and possibly some cyanide.
  • "What about some bullets?" Someone behind me asked. "Yeah." I said "They're good for killing." We took the list and sat outside the principles office, coming up with a plan on how
  • to draw attention to our problems without permanently destroying even the smallest of life's guilty pleasures. At least Mrs. Bridges sometimes listened. We submitted a story to her
  • butler who then had it delivered to the Viscount of Buskershire. The story was published in the Weekly Gentlemen's Chronicle under a
  • rather unflattering picture of Shaka Zulu riding an alpaca. Thoroughly befuddled, the Viscount of Buskershire called for his fourth wife to explain the story to him. She tried to
  • stab him in the throat with the steak knife when he showed her the story. What she had read had confused her so much that there was no time to explain. She went on a killing spree.
  • She then chugged goats milk and turned on The Ramones. ♫ NOW I WANNA SNIFF SOME GLUE!! NOW I WANNA HAVE.. ♫ She muted the song and started knife stabbing everyone
  • within a twelve-mile radius, and she got away with it too, because this is LATE NIGHT! IN NEW YORK! Yeeaaahhhhhhhh! Dadah-dadadah-dadadah! ♫ Then she got too fat & was arrested.


  1. PurpleProf Jan 19 2013 @ 15:54

    ...and here I thought maybe some lyrics from classic Johnny Cash would result in a decent story...

  2. Zetawilk Jan 19 2013 @ 16:18

    The disappearing guy from MST3K?

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