The sun was shining; the birds were chirping.

  • The sun was shining; the birds were chirping. The coffee was brewing; the gun was loaded. I
  • was feeling chipper. Sipping from my stainless steel thermos, I looked out on the Rocky mountain sunrise. God, it felt good to be a right-wing gun nut.
  • God sipped his Tall fat-free mocha and winked. It was scary having breakfast with God. He always knew what you're thinking. "Don't forget it either." God said and bit into the mapl
  • ike veins in the pterodactyl's neck, Triassic blood spurting about the room. "Be still winged friend" chimed Jehovah, "I'm attempting to recreate you as a higher creature."
  • Mr. J dreamt of an evolutionary ladder connecting dinosaurs with a musical creature of feathered plumage. Despite catastrophic meteor impact, he managed to nurture Squawkopteryx
  • from when he was just a little egg up through his development into a multicolored fledgling. Mr J had high hopes that one day Squawkopteryx would meet up with a lady velociraptor.
  • Hoping to create a new species, Mr. J sprinkled Cheez-Its, Squawkopteryx's favorite treat, under Pachypteris trees that attracted lady velociraptors. The next day, horrible screech
  • came from the trees. After enjoying some cheez-its Squawkopteryx forced himself on some lady velociraptors. Now all I had to do is get the eggs to protect my new species and prove
  • this whole evolution big bang thing was a load of crap. The Squawkopteryx eggs were looking a bit funny, not in a "funny haha" kind of way, but in a "wtf is this?!" type of way.
  • The eggs hatched and out of each popped about a dozen little Sqauwkopteryxs dressed as tiny clowns. Huh, so I guess clowns are higher on the evolutionary chain.


  1. CrazyBananas Jul 15 2013 @ 11:13

    Who doesn't love Cheez-Its?

  2. lucielucie Jul 15 2013 @ 14:05

    Lady velociraptors?

  3. CrazyBananas Jul 15 2013 @ 14:54

    oooh, good call, LL, good call....

  4. Roy.G.Biv Jul 15 2013 @ 18:55

    Good fold, good fold...

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