• THiS WaS THe BeGiNNiNG oF THe WoRST FoLDiNG SToRy eVeR...
  • Name,y, the day when all was blood. A man was walking around and blood starting coming out of him everywhere. There was so much blood that it filled up an elevator.
  • Luckily I had stepped out on the floor before the hemorrhaging started. It was just the beginning of a day full of lucky chances. I didn't know that ii'NH was returning but
  • ii'NH was indeed returning. But luckily I was leaving, on a jet plane, the plane went down in the Indian ocean, but I survived. I floated on a life raft that had a hole in it, but
  • I had time to record these few lines on this funny piece of rubber I found in the raft kit. There was a tube of sticky paint I wrote this with. If you find this plastic bottle
  • . Please recycle it or repurpose it as a nice vase. Being stranded has put me more in touch with the earth.If you could see to rescuing me I would appreciate a sail boat.
  • Signed: Dr. Robust. Clyde folded the note and stuffed it in the bottle. The cork was old and crusty, but he figured it would hold. Elbow behind his head, he launched his wrist
  • mounted bottle propeller towards the salty ocean. The bottle with Dr Robust's message bobbed about in the various currents & Clyde was long dead when it washed up on the shore of
  • Cyprus, where a lovely young woman named Alexis found it...truly miraculous because, you see, Dr. Robust was Alexis' great-great-great grandfather. The secret had been kept.
  • Or had it? Dark figures gathered in the night around her villa. They moved silently through an open window. Thirty minutes later they were gone, and Alexis was lovely no longer.


  1. lucielucie Jul 01 2014 @ 05:16

    OOoo - spooking ending.

  2. SlimWhitman Jul 01 2014 @ 19:59

    Def not the worst Foldingstory. Would it be mean to go looking for it? Yeah... Keep the good one's coming!

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