Yup. She was definitely dead. Oh Jesus, this

  • Yup. She was definitely dead. Oh Jesus, this is not good. Not good at all.
  • "I agree! She was bad enough on earth but now I gotta deal with her 'devout catholic' ass!" shouted Jesus. I felt bad for the guy, but I had a body to hide- I grabbed the nearest
  • piece of cardboard to cover it. What was I into?
  • My hands started to sweat, my eyes were getting heavy and my chest tight. I was having a panic attack as I realized that maybe I wasn't going to come back home anymore.
  • I knew what I had to do though. I rushed through the hordes of piñatas, as the Evil Cati Army started to eat my pants that I had dropped earlier. ARGHGHHG! I needed those pants to
  • model for Calvin Klein. It was my next chance for a big break, after that last one fell through. Ah yes, I remember when Milton stole my prized invention, Hungry Hungry Hippos...
  • ...it was a fine day, the air smelled of cheese, and I had just finished doing unspeakable things with Calvin in exchange for a modeling contract. Milton was there too, and
  • Dennis Cooper witnessed it all. He turned it into a series of graphically violent and sexual books, but it's not like I saw a penny of their sales come my way. So after this, I
  • took what little i had and bought as much alcohol as possible. I was in the middle of drowning my sorrows when,
  • my boss called. I let the machine pick it up. "Hello, John. I called to tell you that you're fired. Your job has now been filled by a talking elephant. Have a nice day!"


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