This is fold 1,300 for me. I've got a question.

  • This is fold 1,300 for me. I've got a question. When will I run out of stuff to fold about? Is there any more to write about Alien Invasions &, I dunno, Life? That's 2 questions...
  • Dear lucielucie, Language is a wonderful thing. You can construct 10 to the power 500 sentences more than the number of atoms in the universe. How long your Inspiration lasts howev
  • er is inversely proportional to the quality of the forthcoming television season. Compelling programming is the bane of the artiste. Likewise, gone are Thatcher and Reagan, muses
  • deuces, no one ever loses, Gary Gnus's never did the watooses, which is how he avoided bruises...woah weird rhyme jag there. Sometimes that happens when a certain part of my mind
  • decides to go back to the ghetto where I was born
  • . Those were good times, there in the ghetto. Of course I didn't think so at the time, but I realize now that being rich ain't all it's cracked up to be. I miss the days when I
  • lived in rat-infested government housing. Those rats were the best friends I ever had. Hey! Maybe they're still around! Maybe I'll just take a trip down to the ghetto & take them
  • to my High School reunion! I went back to the slum and gathered as many of my squeaky friends as a tote bag could hold. Wouldn't my alumni be surprised!
  • Unfortunately they were surprised, and they threw me away from the crowds. Teddy looked at me with his big sad eyes, plucked up by the many other toys in the sachel. Oh well, who
  • would have known? We were all just disposable in the end, I suppose. Toys are created to be thrown away and soon we would all become dust.


  1. lucielucie Sep 24 2014 @ 14:03

    I'm on fold 2434.. I'm probably just repeating myself now.

  2. SlimWhitman Sep 24 2014 @ 18:20

    you repeated a 4 and... http://foldingstory.com/09y4f/09y4f/ so did I

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