Scratch and sniff stickers were never designed

  • Scratch and sniff stickers were never designed for the information age... until now.

  • They'd also never been designed by anosmiacs (or so they claimed to boost sales with gullibles). Scratch & sniff websites caught on. FoldingStory was nicest, of ink and paper.

  • If you scratch & sniff this website long enough, you can also pick up the scent of sweat & creativity. Go ahead. Try it. Breathe it in. FoldingStory creativity smells a bit like

  • a donkey does during it's first mating season. Yes, FoldingStory has given me a thoroughly invigorating aromatic experience, and I'm sure that other websites also have

  • similar attributes.I just want to know what it feels like to love again. Is that too much to ask for in a website? I hear pornhub has had excellent results in website capabilities,

  • The door slammed & I jumped, quickly minimizing the website I was so eagerly examining. I returned to FoldingStory & began typing. I felt my wife's arms come around me. Her perfume

  • overwhelmed me, and I passed out. When I came to, I was in a dark, enclosed space which smelled of rubber and petroleum. My head struck the underside of the trunk when the BMW hit

  • a Polish pedestrian. It didn't even slow down. There in the BMW's trunk I thought about how to escape. I felt around for the tire iron and jammed it into the tailight.

  • A dull thud. I got more leverage and tried again. Thud. Thud. I wondered if they could hear me. Thud. Thud. Thud. CRACK! The sound of the road hit my ears. I reach throug

  • h the cracked glass and slowly, painfully pulled myself out of the wreckage onto the hard pavement. I waited as the flashing lights came steadily toward me. Safe at last!



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