The longer I looked at it, the bigger it

  • The longer I looked at it, the bigger it seemed to get. I tried to look away, but couldn't for at least half a minute. Then I looked again. It moved. It seemed to stretch, but I
  • knew I shouldn't stretch my swollen finger. My nut allergy had been activated by the packing peanuts that came with my medication. Now my wrist was ballooning. I reached for the
  • snake venom kit but my ballooning wrist pulled me higher and higher. Soon I was over the city. Floating by my wrist. Up ahead I saw a giant peach sailing towards me being pulled
  • (or was it pushed?). Hanging in mid-air by my ballooning wrist dislocated my shoulder and I forgot about the giant peach. But then some old lady flying by umbrella crashed into me
  • and spilling the contents of her bag (which were extremely numerous for a bag of that size.) and careening away from me with a cry and a drop of her feathered hat. I gasped in pain
  • as a huge thing fell onto my foot, nearly crushing it. "Oh! I am so sorry!" the she cried out while trying to pick things up.
  • "Son of a bee sting!" I shouted. "That really smarts. I can feel my heart beat in my foot you trollop!" She apologized again as I hopped around trying to shake it off. I crashed
  • into the bubble desk next to where she was and gave her a wary look. 'NO APOLOGY IS ENOUGH! This is my good foot and I need it tomorrow'- I said on a rude tone, and in her eyes
  • I could see tears welling up. "But if I don't cut off your foot and bring it to my Almighty Overlord," she begged me, "he said he'd feed me to the
  • army of underaged hookers he keeps in his basement." The tears poured out as she sobbed, "I've seen them. They are SO skinny - I'd be gone faster than a bucket of KFC in a


  1. murielschipp Sep 13 2012 @ 11:34

    Man, I had a bad day ;)

  2. 49erFaithful Sep 13 2012 @ 12:02

    True. Things kind of steamrolled in the wrong direction for you there...

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