Immunity in those days was just a vague idea.

  • Immunity in those days was just a vague idea. No one was sure what it meant exactly. Would it make you immortal? Could everyone attain Immunity? Sally pondered over this as she st
  • ank up the room. Really, Sally should clean herself more regularly. She stinks so much the watervfalls around her in the shower. She smells so bad,
  • like poo mixed with Lil Wayne's face, and then the poo decomposed, then the worms ate it all, then they pooped it out, but they had indigestion, so it smelled like diarhea.
  • "Oh my, you have a rather scatological imagination, don't you, my dear Jimmy? I think it is best for you to spend some more time with your tutor" "I don't need no shrink! He smells
  • like poopstanky." When the shrink arrived Jimmy was wearing a clothespin on his nose & greeted her with "hoopsteenky".Miss Evans said,"It's okay Jimmy,I disinfected before I came."
  • But Jimmy had special vision. He had the "gift." It was a sixth sense. He could see fecal matter anywhere. He freaked out at a smorgasbord once when he'd looked at the
  • fruit salad and began to throw up all over his tuxedo. His beautiful bride tried to comfort him but his wedding day was purely ruined by fecal matter. His poop detecting power was
  • excruciatingly accurate. His face screwed with disgust as he detected poop smeared across the buttocks of his beautiful bride. The poo approached him from
  • from all sides, covering him in a horrible mess. He vomitted, puke spraying all over the shit, and that's when things got really crazy.
  • Shit was everywhere. Above, below, around beneath. Everywhere imaginable the crap would splat. Brown chunky dookie mixed with bile and God only know's what. Shit was everywhere and


  1. DanMars Oct 25 2011 @ 02:30

    What a charming story, I was having breakfast when I started reading this, not that hungry anymore.

  2. SlimWhitman Oct 25 2011 @ 06:34

    Err... at least we stayed on theme...

  3. jaw2ek Oct 25 2011 @ 10:49

    This is not the theme I imagined.

  4. MoralEnd Oct 26 2011 @ 13:47

    It always enters the Foldingstory Digestive system in one format and exits the end in a completely different format. Thus, we contributors are merely folds in the large intestine.

  5. jaw2ek Oct 26 2011 @ 19:33

    Folds in the large intestine...how Shakespearean.

  6. m80 Oct 29 2011 @ 12:26

    Perhaps this story will get us closer to figuring out who the Zodiac Killer Folder is: http://foldingstory.com/76yym/

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