I can't fight for my own freedom because

  • I can't fight for my own freedom because my grandparents didn't pay the bill. They had their thrills in tv and pills with forefathers of representation, demoralized, democratized,&
  • we were redundant, redacted and reissued. I saw my whole generation lost in a haze of plural meanings. Everyone had issues but nobody led. We ranted to the choir on blogs.
  • We agreed with each other on Fecebook (the plural of Facebook) and social media became obsolete. Our generation was known as the We-Wees, so politically correct were we. And so
  • unprepared were us We-Wees for the great war that would erupt over the politically correct way to refer to transgendered nazi pedophile narcissist Jewish-Muslim population.
  • A shortage broke out in the We-Wee nation for blue coloured clothing. War had meant rationing and with it brought a lack of police uniforms. The We-Wee police were forced to wear
  • bright yellow uniforms after all the other dyes had ran out. You can guess how they dyes their uniforms yellow, but I highly recommend you don't try. The We-Wee police was not
  • what the man wanted. So he left the force and kept his yellow uniform. He got himself a monkey and decided to be a permanent bachelor.
  • He got a long wooden spoon to scratch with and trained his monkey to fetch beers. A recliner, a TV, a man and his monkey. Some call it paradise
  • , me included! After a year, his monkey presented him with an invoice for services rendered. When he refused to pay, Norbert packed his little monkey trunk and dragged it thump,
  • thump down the stairs. Then Norbert Drove home, doused everything in the house, torched it. Parked across the street laughing watching it burn, all Halloween orange & chimney red.


  1. CrazyBananas Jun 06 2013 @ 13:32

    AAAh, when writers block and the pressure of the timer hits, you can never go wrong quoting Tom Waits, right?

  2. lucielucie Jun 06 2013 @ 13:45

    I like how this started & ended with the non-payment of a bill.

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