A girl named Axel sat at her computer her

  • A girl named Axel sat at her computer her stylus gliding across the black of her tablet. "People run in circles." She sang with the white earbuds spouting music into her ears.
  • A few songs into her playlist, the medicinal marijuana brownies starting kicking in and it was exactly then that Axel fell head over heals in love again...with life and Mary Jane.
  • Axel decided, this time he wasn't going to short change romance. He took Mary Jane Bowling. He went up to get them cheeseburgers and that's when he saw Slash, standing right
  • next to Scott Weiland. Slash stuck a quarter into the plastic nose ring dispenser and said, "Axel, I've moved on with my life. Can you?" Axel tried to think of a suable charge to
  • jumpstart his career again. "any publicity is good publicity", Axel said. Slash just rolled his eyes. A nurse insisted Axel take his medication.
  • Axel's bedside phone called and he picked it up. It was an Australian radio station performing a prank call whilst Axel lay in hospital. The DJ claimed he was
  • going to give him the lovely prize of twelve Tahitian voodoo dolls, but only if
  • Julia Child agreed to pose for him. But...Julia Child is dead, isn't she?
  • Oh most definitely. His new career of setting up "Photographs with Legends." was hindered by the on-going investigation into celebrity grave-robbing.
  • When he he got a shot on the tabloids front page with various dead celebs bodies artfully arranged to spell ELVIS LIVES, JMan got suspicious. Turns out he'd robbed Madame Tussauds.


  1. PurpleProf Dec 10 2012 @ 12:12

    Leave it to Chaz to resurrect a nearly dead storyline.

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