My sandwich was here just a moment ago and

  • My sandwich was here just a moment ago and now...it's gone. Did you eat it? 'Cause if you did, that's OK. I just want you to tell me the truth. Our relationship is based on honesty
  • . I stared at her blankly as I stifled a choking swallow and hit my chest a few times. "Umph... Love of my life how could think I (urp) stole your sandwich?" She smiled slyly.
  • Underneath the table the choking swallow continued to choke, and no amount of my stifling now seemed able to keep it quiet, so I let it go, and, as it fluttered around the room,
  • it banged the pots and pans. Stevie Wonder cupped his ears, "Holy smokes, is there a rhythm section in here?" I couldn't tell him about the sparrow so I said, "Yes, why Tito Fuente
  • was laying in my bed." Stevie stared at me in confusion, I offered a little fusion, of alcohol and tea, in which some call a hot tod-dy. He kindly declined, and told me he was
  • combustible. "Get a little firewater in me and I'm likely detonate." Stevie shrugged. "Sorry." I shrugged. He shrugged again. I skipped the tea and went straight for the liquor.
  • I poured a shot, shrugged, & spilled some on the floor. Steve frowned, shrugged & shoved me out of the way to clean it up.I shrugged & hit him over the head with the ice cube tray
  • He fell to the floor; I had knocked him out. That should teach him a lesson. I picked up my glass and filled it with more liquor, this time I didn't spill. I finished my glass..
  • The thought of that man, brought me to tears, how could anyone be like him. he was such a horrible person, but then i stopped my-self. Maybe i was the bad guy, maybe he didn't do
  • anything wrong.I could be the evil one and thats why my entire life has been filled with anger and sadness. Either way, It wouldnt matter. In 10 minutes t


  1. PurpleProf Nov 13 2015 @ 12:39

    he entire drama would be over and I can make myself another sandwich.

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