Commander A Llama addressed the Ducks of

  • Commander A Llama addressed the Ducks of Al-Hazred, Six Million Dollar Clam, the Bionic Wombat & all the other Folding Animals aboard Cattlecar Galactica - "Friends, Folders,

  • something egret this way comes!" Also there were a Manatee Who Fell to Earth, This Island Ermine, and some Killer Clownfish from Outer Space. So goes the Chronicles of Ribbit.

  • The frog wove a gossamer thread connecting the tales of foldingstory. The egret paused midstrike on one foot listening. But when Ribbit opened his mouth to imitate the great hippo

  • a troll of the underworld escaped and disrupted the harmony of the Folding realm with inflammatory, extraneous, and off-topic messages. A champion was needed. A hero capable of

  • teaching etiquette to trolls. Napkins in laps, sequiturs in folds, the essentials. "You see, Mr. Troll, sometimes there are characters other writers care about." A club to the face

  • of a Tickle-me-Elmo always lifts my spirits. That's why I was talking to Mr. Troll with such verve. But the Troll was determined to snap my good humor. He moved from behind the

  • Desk with a pile of papers, saying they were mine. I looked at them and Mr. Troll pointed to my Uncle Jakobius's signature. He died in 1979. I asked what it meant. Mr. Troll told

  • me to stop acting so butthurt or he would dox me for shitposting. I wanted to retort by calling him foreveralone but that did feel butthurtty so I threw him the sauce instead. OP

  • -ERATION SOYSAUCE was a success and soon he was too busy eating his Fancy Fried Hog Maw to notice me slipping out the kitchen door and racing to the police station in my

  • undies. After submitting my report of the home invasion I was arrested for public lewdness and sentenced to 6 months propriety school where we learned to twerp w/o moving our hips.



  1. LordVacuity Jul 11 2017 @ 15:00

    I can twerp without moving my lips.

  2. LordVacuity Jul 11 2017 @ 17:05

    More like the planet's invasion. I like what I like when I like and not when I don't.

  3. LordVacuity Jul 11 2017 @ 17:06

    I find that makes it much easier to manage it.

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