Call me Ishmael. Some years ago-having little

  • Call me Ishmael. Some years ago-having little or no money in my purse, I took a job at Starbucks. The manager, Mr. Ahab was obsessed by a customer he called the White Whale, who
  • was this obese chick who didn't bathe. My super, Ahab, liked she'd order the most expensive whipped mocha frappe. She, the "White Whale", called me "Ish" but Ahab got livid when
  • she smeared the Koran with leftover whipped cream. Ahab would have liked to evict her, but since he'd had that unfortunate incident with the can opener all those years ago, he was
  • deathly afraid of newfangled devices such as sponges, dish clothes, and notices of imminent eviction. This understandable aversion left Ahab with a rather simple existence. He work
  • He Big Man. He work hard for his money. He work so hard. So you treat him right," said the little foreign sailor when Captain Ahab hobbled by on the
  • neck. Captain Ahab threw him off the side of the ship.
  • Later he was seen being used as a chew toy by a great white shark. Captain Ahab radioed Captain Nemo and then flicked a switch for the ship to convert to submarine mode. Captain Ne
  • mo had unfortunately pressed the big red button. Nobody was supposed to press the big red button. You could hear the impact of Cpt. Ahab's hand as he slapped Cpt. Nemo. The ship
  • Recoiled in horror at the sight of an iceberg ahead. Moe, along with Larry and Curly, had hijacked Cap. Ahab's ship without any experience. "Let's try the green button", Larry sai
  • -d mindlessly, provoking a bout of mutual pain administration. Vying for control of the ship's wheel resulted in injuries too horrific to describe, and collision with the iceberg.


  1. SlimWhitman Apr 30 2016 @ 08:36

    Our tribute to Moby Dick ends with the three stooges. It could be an off broadway musical with SB's product placement.

  2. Flopp Apr 30 2016 @ 11:51

    You know, I never really noticed it before, but Gibber, your cat looks high :)

  3. Gibber Apr 30 2016 @ 23:50

    That's her sly, knowing look.

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