So he said "Wellll...?" I said "What you're

  • So he said "Wellll...?" I said "What you're asking is basically like asking if 2+5 is the same as 3+4. It is and it isn't. Asking is just an exercise in
  • existential angst. It's like apples & pears - similar but no cigar. It's like praxis sounds like anti-praxis but opposite. Or it sounds a bit like that Greek island we had the BBQ
  • Chicken Pizza at CPK. That was when I realized that the world was becoming one giant mall. The thought depressed Maude, but I realized that world domination was within my grasp.
  • I had the keys to the fast food joints, the clothes stores, the jewelers, the pet shops anything you name it. It was all mine, well I thought it was all mine then I realized you
  • had the keys to my heart. But I didn't have the keys to yours. I had everything, but really nothing. If I gave you the world & everything in it, would you love me? Would you, huh?
  • But she just turned & walked away, leaving me & my innocence behind. I'm not sure how long I stood there looking at an empty street, but I knew one thing: I would never, EVER again
  • go to Taco Bell on a first date. Actually I'd probably never EVER go there again, after tonight. Now she thought I had beans for brains. I guess it had been foolish to think that
  • tabasco sauce could help out my tattered love life. I decided that, from now on, all first dates would take place at Wendy's, where we could
  • see if a potential date could handle Dave's Hot 'n Juicy 3/4 Lb. Triple with bacon. That would be the closest thing to experiencing intercourse with me without the tabasco sauce.
  • This is the only way I can get sexual with my dates because all the blood rushes down to my skibbies when I get excited and I faint. I'm single but will never mingle again.


  1. lucielucie Jul 31 2015 @ 15:32

    I was thinking of Paxos and Antipaxos. Just googled it.

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