Rachel had always loved figs, but wondered

  • Rachel had always loved figs, but wondered what all the fuss about figgy pudding was about. She decided that only way to satisfy her curiosity was a pilgrimmage to
  • Finland, where she'd heard figgs had originated. She packed a huge backpack, shouldered it, and set out on foot. What she didn't know was that
  • figgs didn't grow in Finland. And Finland was North, not Up, from her home. She never could read a map properly. She also didn't know that
  • at that very moment, an enigmatic Finnish assassin crouched enigmatically on the roof of her house, directly above her, waiting to Finnish her off. Perhaps map reading wasn't all
  • the the enigmatic assassin could do. He seemed like he could engimatically punch people in the face and then act like nothing had happened. He also seemed like he
  • was trained by watching "Captians" where Shatner stepped all over anything interesting that the other captains had to say. The enigmatic assassin of talent
  • big bad mamas boy Bill, lil' pimp, the rocket man sat on his high chair and said, "Scotty, beam me up - there's no intelligent life here." Patrick Stewart, Kate Mulgrew & the rest
  • denied his request to "beam up" & left the rocket man to sulk with his own kind in mediocrity. Patrick Stewart asked Kate Mulgrew, "When Q tried to romance you, did he appear as a
  • white, slightly chubby man with piercing eyes & a tight shirt by the name of Capt. Kirk?" Kate Mulgrew gasped at Patrick Stewart's question. "And did he behave passive aggressively
  • towards Gene Roddenberry?" Gene Roddenberry appeared, quite offended, and declared, "I hope none of you live long and prosper." The universe imploded, because he is Roddenberry.


  1. Jesrin Feb 28 2014 @ 10:37

    I am a bit disappointed with my ending. I ran out of time and I had to think of something. I was going to try to make some witty Star Trek pun that would blow everyone away, but nothing came to me. When in doubt, use Gene Roddenberry.

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