I grabbed the towel rack. It came out of

  • I grabbed the towel rack. It came out of the wall. I swear it was so big. Water splashed up.
  • Yes, some water got in my eyes. Yes, it was already steamy in there from the hot water. But there was someone, something there. I'm not making it up this time. Just look
  • at them again. Can't you clearly see the residue? The evaporated droplets of crappy Starbucks sencha tea? That'swhat I do with my life. Drink tea. Because YOLO. For the residue,
  • not the residuals. I'm an artist and observer." At another table, Thick Hatch sipped the hot water he had boiled with his own Qi. No leaf had ever fallen into his cup. Even so,
  • accusations were running wild at another table seated with self important grumpy old men. Thick Hatch ignored the grumbling and the whispers and continued to sip his hot water
  • . Being an eccentric billionaire, Hatch couldn't care less what others thought. So he spent his days at the diner sipping hot water. So what? What did he care when others gossiped
  • about his toupees & high heels & said his fly was open when it wasn't. Hatch waited each day for someone to walk thru the diner door who'd understand his eccentric billionaire-ness
  • . She was sitting at the counter wearing a Superdrug uniform & she looked tired. Hatch had never seen anything so lovely. "Hi," he said, "I'm a billionaire & I live here." She glan
  • ced up. She quipped, "Hatch?! You really lay it on thick." Hatch replied, "Well, as I said, I am sitting on a rather large nest egg. If only I knew someone to share it with."
  • After a bit more coaxing he persuaded her to sit on his nest egg until it hatched. She spent him to ruin before he could say "Golden Gander" and then poor little Hatch had none.


  1. 49erFaithful May 13 2013 @ 12:14

    I remember these Tibetan Lamas at my Dad's house used to drink hot water. Heated on an electric stove, not by qi. Seemed a little odd because everyone else always put stuff in their hot water, but I like it sometimes now. Especially with a cold.

  2. lucielucie May 13 2013 @ 12:43

    "I'll accept your invitation to the blues."

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