La historia de Francisca, camila, Daniel

  • La historia de Francisca, camila, Daniel y bla,bla,bla
  • Francisca is the bitch,Camila the good witch,Daniel the policeman they both met that night,and "Bla,bla,bla" or just Bla is the warlock following him in the dark
  • just waiting for his chance to strike. And you get to play the giant disco clown! You get the funniest character in the whole game! Aren't you special? I'll bet you just can't
  • wait to roll the dice, right? But actually, he was dead wrong...the game ended up feeling contrived and silly, so without a moment's notice he pulled a bunny, yes, a bunny out of
  • a duck and stuffed it in a chicken. For years after, he'd call that trick the duck bunny chicken. It became his go-to at parties, meetings, events of all nature. The rest of the ga
  • ga nonsense tricks, were only played for money. He was extremely devious when playing with food, and people could pay him to give their enemies food poisoning.
  • So you can imagine how suspicious I was when he set the apple pie a la mode in front of me. My hands remained in my lap. "Aren't you going to try it?" he asked, unsmiling. I picked
  • my poison. Arsenic, to be exact, though chloralose has its merits. How kind of my husband to add apples! "This IS arsenic, yes? Not some rat poison nonsense?" He began sweating.
  • He was a sweaty fool, my husband. While I'm going around and trying to kill people with Arsenic, he just sweats. That's why I don't let him play Rover Red Rover with me,
  • the idiot just giggled like a buffoon as opponent after opponent slides right through our arms, whooping. I refuse to be seen as the weakest link, so I had to take matters into my


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 18 2013 @ 17:44

    Bright red lights and alarm bell sounds with sign flashing "Didn't wash hands!"

  2. mensaque Mar 05 2013 @ 12:58

    People,please...pay attention!Or in good old Portuguese:"Presta atenção aí,PÔ!".Not the first,second or tenth (and certainly not the last ) time a story ends unfinished,and every time that happens I feel like I was going to sneeze,and the sneeze is coming and sweet relief is about to take place...and then...nothing happens!

  3. PurpleProf Mar 05 2013 @ 13:05

    Here is a consolation prize for you, Menasque: http://foldingstory.com/ngdbp/

  4. mensaque Mar 10 2013 @ 13:00

    Thanks,PurpleProf!I've just checked it out.That was sweet...and fast like a sneeze!LOL!

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