Hey, I've got an idea: why don't we sharpen

  • Hey, I've got an idea: why don't we sharpen a piece or two of metal until it's extraordinarily dangerous and then slowly drag it across our bodies to temporarily remove
  • these nano-exoskeletons? Because we'll die, you idiot! Why? Because these exoskeletons are the only things keeping us alive out here in this
  • hyper-gravity field! Without them we'd be crushed like tin cans! But feel free to test this hypothesis, quite honestly I could do with the silence." He glared at me for a moment,
  • because he had been experimented on by the After-Market research colony in the asteroid belt. That's how he'd paid for transport. From then on, all he did was glare, at eveyrthing
  • that reminded him of the time in the 'roids. That's what he called the the infernal planetoids owned by AMRC. He tilted his telescope to point at Carolus Quartus his next objective
  • who happened to be taking a bath, nude. He watched Carolus Quartus through his telescope for quite some time until her servant came. Upon standing he found that she had big
  • bubbles stuck to all the naughty places he really was hoping to catch a glimpse of. Apparently, so was her servant. Fortunate for everyone but the servant, as he was a unich, or
  • eunuch as the British spelling goes, bubbles are easily wiped of. Servants, not so much. The servant clung inexorably to her naughty bits so she had to pry him off with a rake.
  • She dusted off her naughty bits, reprimanded the servant and told him to put the rake away. But he refused. With an odd glint in his eyes he went to the shed & brought back the str
  • ong whiskey. He poured two glasses. The dark liquid was shining in the sunlight - and it's perfume awaken the senses. "Let's do this" - he said.


  1. lucielucie Jun 22 2014 @ 18:22

    Looks like the unich managed to 'regrow a pair' as the phrase goes.

  2. SlimWhitman Jun 23 2014 @ 16:45

    Whiskey does that to you.

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