It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday,

  • It was the afternoon of my eighty-first birthday, and I was in bed with my catamite when Ali announced that the archbishop had come to see me.
  • I don't know if it was because of the Archbishop coming but shortly affer Ali had spoken I felt a sharp tingle in shooting up my arm and a numbness in half of my face. Ali looked
  • dazed as the Archbishop threw another straight punch into Ali's face. My face hurt too as I watched Ali stumble to his corner. The crowd went wild! The Archbishop pranced around
  • because he felt so free in his large boxing trunks. Ali was mystified. Where did the Archbishop get such a hard punch? And then Ali saw it, the Archbishops corner man had horse sho
  • e stuffed in his mouth. "That must be it!" Ali realized then that the Archbishop was using a very old dark magic to increase the power of his punches. "Two can play at that game"
  • Ali shouted as she summoned the powerful dark magic she kept in the necklace her grandmother gave her. She had always hated her grandmother, and the archbishop was just like her.
  • But none the less, she still found the residual power rather useful, and so on this particular occasion, she was grateful for the amulet. Now, it was time for the thieves to pay fo
  • r what they did... literally. The amulet had the ability to channel the power of influence in her favour, and she managed to sue the thieves of all their money. And also to jail.
  • Her mum was pleased that she had been listened to, so she cooked a roast goose on the fire. The amulet had yielded a goose at the doorstep, just when they needed more food. It was
  • Each day the goose reappeared & they roasted it until one day the prince came calling looking for the girl who fit in the tutu. He married the goose who lived happily ever after.


  1. lucielucie Mar 20 2016 @ 15:37

    Tbh my fold wasn't all my own work, but a famous opening line by Anthony Powell.

  2. SlimWhitman Mar 21 2016 @ 14:18

    Full disclosure, I stole my fold idea from the Grimm Brothers who stole it from Charles Perrault who stole it from Giovanni Boccaccio who stole it from a housewife in Certaldo.

  3. SlimWhitman Mar 21 2016 @ 16:58

    Full full disclosure, I made that part about the housewife in Certaldo up.

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