Lee-Lee cursed her PC. The website she had
- Lee-Lee cursed her PC. The website she had found allowed her to create stories, but not to add on to others' stories, as she had not enables cookies. "What the hell are cookies?"
- Have you checked the cables?" Cookie Monster not know how to reply. This world so complicated now! Why no cookies in computer? Cookie Monster ponder before reply to help-desk tech:
- "No cable. Got maple - maple walnut cookies!!!! How to put in computer?" Cookie Monster waited patiently for the reply, all the while thinking about his delicious cookies, drooling
- on the keyboard. One eye gyrating wildly. The Cable repair guru decided to try a different tack. He made a fingerpuppet out of his holey sock. "Mr Cookie Monster, Maple too sticky
- and must be washed off before handling the cable controls." The Cookie Monster looked dejected. "No-one else have to clean hands before touching controls," he pouted. The cable man
- knew that wasn't a question about cable so he ignored it and handed Cookie Monster a set of dirty gloves. "Only pair we got that might fit you". Cookie Monster pouted harder.
- Cookie Monster started getting angry at his subpar mitts. “ME. WANT. COOKIE GLOVES!!!” The last word was screamed so intensely that the shoemaker flew backwards.
- The shoemaker rapidly & nervously made a pair of thick patent leather gloves. "Non-pliable!" shouted Cookie Monster, "head look like cookie!" He grabbed the shoemaker by the neck
- and tried to eat his head. But then his face was soaked by the cookie monster's saliva and all of a sudden, he looked normal. Did it help him survive the cookie monster? Nope.
- Started
- 2014-12-29 10:45:08
- Finished
- 2018-05-11 10:36:59
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ACN May 11 2018 @ 13:24
How did the cookie theme make it through the whole story?
LordVacuity May 11 2018 @ 13:38
That was just the way the cookie crumbles, for this one at least.
Woab May 11 2018 @ 14:42
Even Cookie Monster go crazy when computer not work. Oh wait. Him all ready crazy.
Woab May 11 2018 @ 14:44
BlastedHeath, your line was hilarious.
Gibber May 11 2018 @ 14:59
How did the cookie theme make it through the whole story: If a concept has a 60% chance of being continued in the next fold, then there is a 0.6^9 = 1.0% chance that it will make it from start to finish. But I think in this case people liked the Cookie Monster character and so didn't fail to mention him by name, and didn't kill him.
SlimWhitman May 11 2018 @ 16:31
ACN, your line is hilarious too. I think it's fun to write stories in muppetish grammer. Wouldn't it be funny to hear a conversation between cookie monster, E.T. and Yoda?
iTeoti May 11 2018 @ 19:58
This is beautiful
BlastedHeath May 12 2018 @ 13:47
Cookie Monster powerful being, to influence my fold from 1972 or so.
BlastedHeath May 17 2018 @ 14:03
Slim, what could possibly go wrong? http://foldingstory.com/o3389/
KieferSkunk May 27 2018 @ 04:20
This story just made my favorites list. Great job, guys!