I gave her a shake but her body was heavy

  • I gave her a shake but her body was heavy and lifeless, probably been dead for an hour or two based on the warmth still falling out of her angular cheeks. Who was she? She seemed
  • to be rooting for the British royal drama from her hospital bed where she has an opium drip running like Niagara falls into the stoma in her belly
  • giving her the happiest stoma in town. I needed a opium drip myself to get interested in the Brit's Royal wedding. I wondered how long before the divorce made the news. My divorce
  • certainly made the news - my ex-wife had been carrying on an affair with a newspaper editor, and he started putting headlines on the front page saying I was
  • a loser. "AREA MAN COULDN'T EVEN REMEMBER ANNIVERSARY!" "EX-WIFE HAS BEST EVER SEX AFTER MEETING EDITOR!" I crumpled the paper, I had to fight fire with fire. I published
  • the secondary accounts book she ran and the SEC arrested her. Did it make me a better man? Well, yes, actually. She and the newspaper editor were embezzlers running a new Ponzi
  • automall, where they convined simple folk to buy shares in cars that were normally just out of their reach. This was really just a front for the TLF, the Tarzan Liberation Front
  • who dealt in the business of trafficking gorilla costumes from Belgium to Belarus. The finely stitched gorilla costumes made from goats wool would fetch the TLF a hefty sum on the
  • Saturday after next, assuming that the chimps in stowage didn't get any clever ideas involving standing on each others' shoulders while wearing the gorilla costumes. They couldn't
  • stand this monkey business any longer, sitting around playing poker in stowage until they went ape-shit. They evolved into Congressmen, went to Washington & the rest is history.


  1. PurpleProf Apr 27 2013 @ 10:42

    This one started off so well!

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