Out my window and across the street, a still

  • Out my window and across the street, a still black figure caught my eye amidst the grey-green midnight shadow of the bushes - I stared, dreading what I would decipher; dreading
  • what he held in his leather satchel. The fog parted, as the silhouetted stranger strode up to the front of my brownstone. I rushed to lock the door, but the knob swiveled.
  • The door opened. The gentleman said, "Excuse me for entering unasked. Mr. Pechman, I presume?" I stuttered "ye ye yes?" "Congratulations! You've won the Publisher's Clearinghouse S
  • wapstakes! You will swap your family out with an unknown family, and as long as you abide by the rules, you will be awarded a gross amount of money. Mr. Pechman, Are you alright?
  • "I think I've played this game before, a long time ago," Mr. Pechman said. "My folks swapped me for another kid to win big. Now you want me to do that to my own family... Okay!"
  • Mr Penchman swapped his son for another kid, hoping to win the million dollar jackpot, but the kid he received in return was a bit odd. For one thing, he had tentacles, and he
  • squirted ink when he was spanked. Mr. Penchman had adopted Squid Boy.
  • Mr. Penchman knew Squid Boy's ink-shooting abilities had great potential, so he trained him in the art of crime-fighting all the way to adulthood. Squid Boy then became Squid Man,
  • then he became Giant Squid Man, rebelled against his crime fighting mentor and dragged sailing ships down into the briny deep for years until he became Giant Middle Aged Squid Man.
  • Although he had a bit more trouble extending his tentacles, Giant Middle Aged Squid Man remained a threat for 10 more years until he became Giant Old Squid Man, a legend indeed.


  1. PurpleProf Nov 04 2014 @ 13:59

    This story should continue...

  2. PurpleProf Nov 04 2014 @ 14:04

    Giant Old Squid Man, continued: http://foldingstory.com/oppuu/

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