Working at the factory was always hard, especially

  • Working at the factory was always hard, especially when the boss showed up unexpectedly and caught all of us Oompa Loompas making vanilla rivers instead of chocolate ones... so we
  • formed Oompa Loompas Local 49. We demanded more chocolate (of course.) and shorter hours performing dance routines for spoiled brats. Wonka brought in Munchkin scabs. Shortly,
  • and his right-hand Loompa named Wee hatched a plan to contact the Time Bandits and overthrow Wonka once and for all. "I've got an idea. Forming in my head." said Shortly.
  • The Seven Dwarves arranged for the committee's potluck, there the Loompas, the Time Bandits, the Littles, the Munchkins and Tom Cruise plotted against Willy Wonka by
  • lacing the Chocolate fountain with laxatives. Tom Cruise's idea of bringing the Munchkins and OompaLoompas to one of his conventions as Special Guests, didn't go down too well with
  • Willy Wonka or the Good Witch of the North. They served to protect their little friends from the Munchin-and-Oopa-Loompa-hating scientologists. So Tom Cruise kidnapped them.
  • Operation "The Seven Dwarves" went as scripted:Cruise distracted Glenda with his good looks & Wonka with an enthetan Gobstopper,while Guardian Ops ushered the Munchkins & Oompa-Loo
  • bit the Grinch on the kneecap. Once AGAIN, the FBI looked the other way to the cultist's shenanigans. But of course Cruise bungled up Operation "Seven Dwarves" by being too short
  • for the ferris wheel ride at the fair. Slutty Jessie and her country cousin Horny Sue asked Nicole to the roller disco leaving short arse Cruise to
  • himself. "Ah, what tangled webs we weave when we first practice to deceive," Cruise thought to himself as he dragged his short and sorry arse home.


  1. PurpleProf Jan 05 2013 @ 00:47

    I sorta like this one. We had a large cast of characters. Could be a Broadway musical!

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