"Hold up! Can you go slower, please?" Troy

  • "Hold up! Can you go slower, please?" Troy was struggling to keep up with Amelia as she dashed in and out of shrubs and around thick evergreens. This must have been serious.
  • "Keep up Troy!" Amelia yelled over her shoulder as they went deeper into the black forest. They both stopped when they came to a clearing. Before them was a house made of sushi.
  • Famished, they whipped out their travel chopsticks & reached for a delicious looking pillar of hamachi. "Ah, ah ah" said an ancient voice from within the sushi house. Troy & Amelia
  • turned just as the old waiter sneezed. "Choo!" Spittle rained down upon Troy and Amelia's yellowtail. The host rushed over. "Sorry, sorry! I bring you more free of charge, OK?"
  • At this point Troy did one of those WTF things which made Amelia question her marriage. He grasped a rather larger snot ladden piece of sushi and popped it in his mouth. "Mmmmmhhhh
  • delicious!" He leant back in his chair and patted his stomach contently. "You should try one, Am, they're great." Amelia wrinkled her nose and raised an eyebrow haughtily. "No tha
  • nks," she said, tucking into her pissenlit salad, "I'm detoxing my lower chakras. They're blocked & I wonder why," she added giving him a significant stare. He ignored Amelie & ord
  • ered a giant T-bone steak, bleeding from the inside, burned and crumpled on the outside, floating in a puddle of half-hardened grease. Amelie ducked behind her salad as he slurped.
  • She wanted to brave through it. Just long enough to last the night.
  • When the sun rose the next morning, she knew she was safe at last. No longer would anyone pose any threat to her or her family again. She had survived, and she had won.


  1. KieferSkunk Apr 27 2015 @ 18:15

    I guess after finding a house made of sushi (who knows how long THAT's been sitting out?) and ordering a greasy T-bone steak, she should feel vindicated for surviving the night. :)

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