They called him Farty Marty,, but Martin

  • They called him Farty Marty,, but Martin couldn't help if his mother believed legumes were potent brain food but Gasex was a no go cause sniffing farts increased his test scores.
  • Marty loved his mom's legumes so much he had at least six servings a day. In college, he breezed right through and frequently made the Dean's List. He felt it was his duty
  • to share his mom's legumes with the poor souls at his college who hadn't tried them. And so Marty declared February 30 to be National Marty's Mom's Legumes Day, much to the chagrin
  • of Hallmark. They had a hard time making a card to celebrate National Marty's Mom's Legumes Day. The 1st draft had a picture of a smiling old lady sitting in a pile of beans with
  • a ladle in one hand. Finally 40 million "I want YOU" cards with a stern looking woman in a pot of beans pointing at the reader were junk mailed on Marty's Mom's Legumes Day. People
  • the world over received the strange greeting and began to wonder if they should take part in Marty's Mom's Legumes Day. Beans and lentils began flying off the shelves. You couldn't
  • move for cannellis, black eyeds, haricots, and tiny Puy lentils thronging the streets in their weeny pink hats demanding the abolition of veganism and one pot cooking. Making barri
  • cades from the apple carts and the assorted carriages and Phaetons they had stolen from the rich but had never, in turn, given to the poor. We were always forgetting that part. Rev
  • Michaels "Pokemon" Sodomy was our new parish reverend who volunteered at the tennis court by picking up stray balls, so he invented summer vestments to beat the global warming heat
  • Reverend Sodomy learned a lot from Pastor Butz. How to stroke the wood hard. How to wash his balls & how to put it in the hole. He invited him to a threesome with Sister Agatha.


  1. St.Molecule Jun 08 2021 @ 17:18

    I hear Sister Agatha has a leather habit. Her Whimple can accommodate a ball gag.

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