Finished Folds (1—20)
4the medical bills of some random needy person. But why? They were going to die anyway. No, instead, we took all that extra money and threw outrageous parties like Diddy's.
2akimbo since most had been dead long enough to lack the flesh to hold them out. Their tongueless mouths gurgling out a plea for brains. She used the fire axe to bash the head of
3Nonplussed by these events the venues had to survive or they didn't. Case in point, when the Bijou Threater wasn't being used to host plays they hosted the periwinkle ramona.
1They surrounded the opioid den with everything they had. Snipers across the street. When the couple came out the police found out they had cornered the wrong couple. Recriminations
2"I did it because it needed doing and I was there," Hermine said puzzled that Harry couldn't see that. Harry was pacing and he kept looking through the blinds to the parking lot.
1But the captain heard soon enough to stop the keel hauling. "Bosun, you must understand that any keel hauling absurd this ship is by my order. Unless you meant to mutiny. Did you?"
2upon them when they were us? Those who noted these things noted nothing out of the ordinary. As for the missing tune we can only assume it was carried away by one of the lunatics.
1was relived every time that he's see a Folder do it.
1raise my knickers when he stopped me for a last glance at my ass. Plus he paid in cash more than I was asking. Said it was him paying the tax we were worth. Whatever that meant.
2matter in their porridge would solve our problem. Then Princess Harriet can have her Coming Out party without having to kill anymore of them. The message would be clear to all.
2but with all of the writers on strike maybe AI will take our finished Folding Stories to crank out a script for a new television show starring Steve Buscemi as a retired detective.
0regret if he had to have one, was that never had sex with a green eyed redhead he had gotten cozy with in 1992 at an Air Supply concert. Her name was Tammy or her twin sister Tina.
2Not use My death ray on someone or other. I definitely am going to do that. No take backs." Before I could grab him he ducked into his hole in the furniture. Taking the death ray w
1I put him down& squashed him under my flip flops. I reached for a gun i kept in the cereal box. I'd had there since Kill Bill one. I blasted every kobold in the kitchen except one.
2Mao had the self confessed anarchist sent for RE-Education. Maybe her keen political mind would find something to do in the provinces. It would pay for itself in the long run. If
0The beaker tipped too far and the corrosive liquid spilled out and left a hole through the metal lab tables. It ate through the flooring and was slowed by the cement foundations.
0I hadn't used up my last magazine.
3Tarde demais, Stukpuckler descobre que minha alma pertence a um demônio mais poderoso. Um além da possibilidade ou fato. Este tempo em torno do fedorento foi um gerente de uma melh
1that was your scene, mixing your aesthetics with your politics, then the OLD RED PARTY was the party for you. "Notoriety is its own reward" was the party's motto. They were led by
2eep what we sew. Or is it, reap what we sow? I was holding Marilyn Monroe's bright blue tongue. I wiped off all remnants of chicken nugget off it. I offered her my hand in return.