The woman woke up with an excruciating pain

  • The woman woke up with an excruciating pain in her right foot.

  • Her husband was sleeping on it. She kicked him in the groin. A thousand pins and needles converged on her calloused big toe & she screamed epithets. Bill was her bacon-getter, but

  • his recent transformation into a razorback had severely strained their relationship. Life had been a series of comical episodes in which she tried to hide him from her family, who

  • had always been pretty clueless. It was she who really wore the pancetta in the family. She sometimes got fed up with him hogging the blankets, but felt strangely obligated to help

  • them when they were getting robbed on the street corner the next day.

  • With nothing but the clothes on their back, they

  • hiked up the treacherous mountains to reach the pot of gold on the other side of the mountain. The weather was cruel and

  • it was very hard to reach the point that I had planned. But what a surprise! it was not exactly the way I have dreammed about...it was...

  • Hard to describe because I knew I had to do it myself. The second dream I had on November 11, 2016 was the same as the first, which gave me a headache. I seldom shop.at chains and

  • whips unlimited, but I figured after all the weird dreams I'd just had, I deserved to do something a little kinky. While I was there I met my husband. We now own a yarn shop.



  1. SlimWhitman Nov 12 2016 @ 11:53

    I've heard that old yarn somewhere before...

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