The monkeys chattered in the trees as Morgan

  • The monkeys chattered in the trees as Morgan handed the pouch across the rusted fence. "I don't want it," said Marla, "Not now that the
  • girl is dead." Morgan looked at her with narrow eyes. "She is only mostly dead, you fool. Now take the pouch, Marla. Take the pouch and never return to the crossroads again." Then
  • Marla took the pouch and said, "No Morgan, I am going to the crossroads to play guitar against Satan and get your soul back." She walked down the dusty Southern road
  • to one of many Bush family estates where willful ignorance and egocentric agendas were highly lauded as christian-like coping mechanisms. It was the famous crossroads of lunacy an
  • d fundamentalistic religious paternalism. And of course, where there's crossroads, there's always a devil waiting to trade your soul in exchange for shedding mediocrity in whicheve
  • r skill would fulfill your ill-conceived sense of destiny. So there I was at the crossroads, with a crow upon the sign, hoping to beat the devil at a game of his design. He
  • challenged me at the crossroads to a game of wily murder. Scratch displayed various weapons were before me as I rolled the knuckle bone. My pawn took a candle stick to the library.
  • I planned to blow up Col. Mustard's thimble with plastic explosives, figuring that would take everybody out and I would win, but Mrs. Peacock burst into the library with an AK-47
  • and sprayed hot lead all up in that mutha just a-blastin and a-bustin every last living thing into oblivion. She didn't stop until the clip was clear. Mrs. Scarlet and Mr.Green
  • joined Ms Violet and Baby Blue in a victory celebration, shaking the crystallised lead from their clothes and opening some champagne... "Merry Christmas everyone!" they shouted.


  1. SlimWhitman Dec 24 2011 @ 07:57

    Wow, great work - lead tinsel in time for Christmas!

  2. m80 Dec 24 2011 @ 09:27

    Nice one, which Leila deftly turned into a Christmas story-yay! Merry Christmas, everyone!

  3. Chaz Dec 24 2011 @ 10:27

    "I-I'd like to stroke it!" - Tiny Tim, A Christmas Carol (Re: Christmas Goose)

  4. murielschipp Dec 24 2011 @ 13:14

    ... But what's with the Clues in all the stories these days guys??

  5. Leila Dec 24 2011 @ 14:00

    Merry Christmas @m80 =)

  6. Chaz Dec 26 2011 @ 19:41

    Clue (or Cluedo) is the game of Kings. In early India, the Raja would have footmen in a life-size manor garden and reinact murders for the court. In the present, this game is played in international tournaments for large purses. In the future, a computer might be able to able to beat a human. (All sources Wikipedia.)

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