"JEREMY!!" She screamed at the pan baking

  • "JEREMY!!" She screamed at the pan baking a fresh cracked egg. Jeremy was the egg now spilled onto the sizzling pan. She cried. He whispered his last words "Find.... Peep"
  • Peep... She hadn't heard that name in years. Wiping away her tears, she decided. She was going to find Peep, no matter what it took. If that was what Jeremy's last wish was, she wo
  • uld find him. Peep, of course, was Jeremy's long lost brother, and his nickname was given to him when it was revealed he secretly watched girls while they were changing. He was a
  • Peep was not just a perv, he was also an idiot, and he loved to finger girls.
  • At the mall he would strut like a pimp, but wearing 80's shorts and shirts. I think Body Glove was the brand. He would point at random women, while smirking. This is how he finger
  • picked Melissa's Sideways Smile. "I do not discriminate!" the rapper DJ Pimp cried, "Nobody discriminates less than me!" He bulged his way out of his Body Glove shorts and shirt.
  • Wearing only a speedo, DJ Pimp frantically ran off stage and for a split second revealed a rear brown stain. This was all the cameras needed... Of course Melissa's Sideway's Smile
  • revealed that she had cornered the market on revenge and ex-lax. With DJ Pimp out of the way Melissa was free to take over the stage. She DJed about political issues and soon the
  • Boom box beamed bombastic sounds by The Percolator himself. The Great Percolator had just put Starbucks out of business. Melissa used her claws to perform the ritual of plastic
  • cup expulsion.The Cult of Starbuck was exorcised from the premises. Now the Great Percolator would filter their revenues for he promised wide awake jitters of awe to his disciples.


  1. mporkwing Mar 03 2017 @ 17:44

    Does anyone remember the brand "Body Glove" man I have some pics from the 90s of me wearing them. Yoyza

  2. Jimbeau Mar 03 2017 @ 21:15

    “See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O, that I were a glove upon that hand That I might touch that cheek!” Shakespeare knew about Body Glove, evidently. Of course, one's interpretation of cheek and hand is the key to it all, sayeth the bum and gam man.

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