One, ordinary, evening was about to fold

  • One, ordinary, evening was about to fold in on itself, and this is how it started. I was feeding the dragon it's daily human sacrifice when
  • I began to wonder whether other people - virginal victims or not - could see Puff in all of his infinite dragonly-glory. Or was it possible, as Dr. Mackenzie had suggested, that my
  • reputation as 'Dragon Slayer' would be slaughtered by my inadvertent intimate experience with he, the Dragon. Dr. Mackenzie later proposed that I expose my experience to everyone.
  • Dr. Mackenzie regretted his ill-timed proposal. In fact, Dr. Mackenzie's confidence as a doctor was shattered after the proposal. He stared at his erotic massage instructor and
  • whistled a merry tune thinking it'd trick his erotic massage instructor into thinking he didn't care. "You obviously don't care," said the instructor. Dr Mackenzie felt elated & re
  • verted to his naturally inquisitive manner. Dr. Mackenzie asked the instructor "Seriously though, when you're washing a carrot, don't you ever
  • wonder what those little carrot tendrils are for, and haven't they ever gone under your skin and up your arms?" The cooking instructor was too livid to reply to Dr. Mackenzie's
  • inquiry. The cooking class just looked at Dr. Mackenzie and wondered about his origin. He didn't look quite human. When he taste tested his entree his tounge wrapped around the
  • Knife twice and he used it cut away the crust of the baked Brie so he could slurp out the creamy center. When the dessert plate came Dr Mackenzie's eyes opened so wide
  • . "Cheesecake. My God. Cheesecake." Dr. Mackenzie murmured, then keeled over and died right there.


  1. lucielucie Mar 21 2015 @ 13:14

    Never try to trick your erotic massage instructor - it'll always end badly...

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