"Now I'm just fucking bored", Sandy said

  • "Now I'm just fucking bored", Sandy said to herself as she gazed out the window towards her neighbors house. "Spying on people, what is wrong with me?" She placed the binoculars
  • on the tripod to get a better view of the shenanigans in the Stevens household.Mrs. Stevens had some strange guests,but these two dames were really eccentric. Sandy focussed on the
  • on the blond bimbo. Sandy read the blond's lips. Stupid. Then the smart brunette who sold ferns walked into view. Sandy's saw that Mrs. Stevens had the Three's Company women
  • strung up like an executive office toy. That clacker thing. Their empty heads clonked resoundingly as the black-haired one, the blonde bimbo & the other swung. Their 3's Co. contra
  • made windows shatter and boners arise from a long sleep. Someone watching had the triple-head-bang fetish that was prevalent in underground tribes and ritualistic
  • knitting circles. That "Someone" was Betty White, the most revered icon of the headbanging knitting circle underground. Betty and her minions. I know this story is hard to believe,
  • so I'm going to cut it short before it degenerates into lies and so forth, the likes of which Satan sews in the minds of the pure just like the snake tempted Eve and shit like that
  • . "But," a girl raised her hand nervously, "I saw Satan and he is very beautiful. He told me that Eve was right to eat the apple and we should all hugs snakes because they're cute.
  • "Wel," said the priest, "if Satan said it, it has to be true. We'll just have to rewrite Genesis to reflect our new understanding. Let me get the Pope on the hotline and inform
  • him that Genesis is just Moses's fanfiction of Satan's herpetology report. "So snakes can't talk?" asked Pope Francis as he fed an altar boy to his basilisk. "Nonsense," it hissed.


  1. SlimWhitman Apr 06 2013 @ 17:25

    Starts with witch watching and ends with the Pope and talking basilisks. I snickered all the way. Great stuff.

  2. PurpleProf Apr 06 2013 @ 17:38

    This story also illustrates how people from all generations, culture, walks of life, and philosophies can come together and compose something coherent. There is hope for the world in FS.

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