Sapphire. Ruby red. Emerald. With a zinger

  • Sapphire. Ruby red. Emerald. With a zinger or two of gold thrown in. More than I could ever imagine. They whizzed by my coronas at blitzkrieg speed as I
  • looked down at the control panel for the Hadron collider. Apparently, we were attacting cosmic fairy dust with our magnetic coils. The effects on the fabric of space time would
  • be awesome; rather than being torn, space's temporal parts would fly all the way to Neverland, until every past and present component would mesh in Pan's immortal realm. My boss
  • , thinking it would be a kick to introduce Wendy to "Sticky Fingers" before she finished her joint, went straight to "Sister Morphine" and turned over the roach-filled ashtray. Da!
  • Da! Screamed Bam-Bam. Except he was 28 and still living at home. It wasn't funny. He was incredibly strong and had broken the fridge 18 times this week, Barney
  • counted all 18 times on his fingers. That's right, Barney had 18 fingers. This is why he was always after the magic Fruity Pebbles. Fred would never understand Barney's anguish
  • Anyways, one day, Barney came across a very stinky puddle, smelling like a mixture of poo, Lil Wayne's dirty socks, and baby vomit. He examined the pile and concluded it to be
  • a figment of his "scatapological complex".That's what his shrink called it.He was learning to control the neurosis he developed during his traumatic childhood potyphobic umbringing
  • plasmodic puetrembasal figmentological scinfringing moisdenrolder caumacauma neligerincy which manifested itself into copraphilia like the rest of the U.S. military. Shrinks. What
  • now? I frantically leafed through my dictionary trying to find out where this train of thought was leading me. I didn't get it. Who's thoughts where these anyway? Not mine, I could


  1. murielschipp Dec 14 2011 @ 17:09

    Screwed up, missed the 'this is the last line' warning :(

  2. SlimWhitman Dec 14 2011 @ 17:25

    Don't sweat it. It works. It's like you were thumbing through your dictionary and the time ran out. Everyone forgets the last line once in a while. I still think it should say "Complete the story" instead of "Fold and pass". But I guess it could stll get overlooked.

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