"Thats just flabulous Marty. Just say no

  • "Thats just flabulous Marty. Just say no to the adipose complex! Who's ready to show their love cushions?" Everyone looked for someone else to volunteer. Big Bob sagged in his seat
  • . Literally. His fat folds drooped over the sides of his chair. Dust bunnies clung to his hips. "Big Bob! How 'bout you?" Lean Lenny leaped over to Big Bob's blobs and jiggled
  • his backfat. Big Bob went ballistic. He pulled a snub-nosed 38 from the deep fat fold between his manboobs & waist and started waving it around his cube. Sweat & belly button lint
  • had jammed the mechanism though, and he was unable to shoot Lindsay, the woman in the cubicle next to him who ate a whole pizza every day and never gained a pound. It took three
  • fat college kids to scrounge up the money to get the cubicle woman to show us what was behind that weird door next to the bathroom.
  • But they never managed to find what was behind the door, the anxiety was killing them and they couldn't understand what to do next.
  • Stuck in this rictus of fear & indecision, they searched around for someone to tell them what to do. A wily serpent, slithering by, told them to just go ahead & open the door becau
  • se there might be a new car! Adam was indecisive holding his apple. Eve poked him in the ribs, "Pick the Door! Pick the Door!" "What the hell... the door!" said Adam to the asp.
  • The asp said, "you pick the door?" "Yes," said Adam. "Hand me the apple, then." Adam tried to hand him the apple but the asp had no hands, being ONLY A TORSO with a head.
  • Adam then decided that the best course of action was to shove the apple inside the mouth of the asp. Gently, the asp bit, hissing in pleasure as the apple's flew, burning it.


  1. Silimarin Oct 31 2014 @ 14:34

    eh, sorry for the mistake. it was the apple's juice that flew. Now the fate of the universe is doomed.

  2. Gibber Oct 31 2014 @ 14:58

    Thanks once again to lucielucie for the unauthorized use of the highly versatile "ONLY A TORSO." http://foldingstory.com/ujmhe/tacu2b/

  3. lucielucie Oct 31 2014 @ 17:11

    @Silimarin - Blaming autocorrect usually works for me :) I'll email through the authorisation forms, Gibber. I like how you added 'with a head'.

  4. Gibber Oct 31 2014 @ 18:42

    Not truly ONLY A TORSO.

  5. SlimWhitman Oct 31 2014 @ 20:16

    LOLed on the Torso line Gibber.

  6. Gibber Oct 31 2014 @ 21:03

    Good! My diabolical plan is working.

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