"Haha! Managed to complete the prickly circle

  • "Haha! Managed to complete the prickly circle of life again."
  • 10 cactus babies started popping out of the Julanar Tree in droves, despite not being a cactus. This meant I was not the real father, and after she said she loved my green banana!
  • This news made the green banana ripen and soften. This was not the effect I'd hoped for and decided to move onto deciduous trees. Just maybe they'd appreciate my fruit
  • "I find you appeeling," giggled the apple, "and would like you to cross-pollinate with me...right now!" The banana turned from green to a bright orange as he swung over to the
  • GMO side of the fence. "Let the pairing begin!" he cried. The orange banana should never have be tempted by the apple who was low hanging fruit of a figtree. The bad seed
  • ing in the hybrid fruit tournament of champions was the oranganana's own fault. If they'd hadn't dropped an early match to the kiwuava they'd never be up against waterloupe this
  • time. But then again, the Lemime was higher ranked for a reason: Being an inbred hybrid from within the Citrus family had made it powerful beyond all imagining. Oranganana had no
  • thing, nuffink on the Lemime. Applum? Ha.... Ha..... Ha! Ohmagawd look what's coming. Only a Tangerapefruit. A pissed off Tangerapefruit that was dropped on its head by a Lemime
  • because the Tanerapefruit had stolen the poor Lemime's husband, a Strawnana. Lemime had wanted to make Lestrawmimenanas, but no, Tanerapefruit just had to ruin it all. Lemime
  • shoved everyone in the juicer and turned it on high. Pulpy and delicious. It was the only way Lemime could end the situation. Anticlimactic, yes? But what other choice was there?


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 24 2013 @ 04:48

    Thoroughly fruity story, but with plenty of pulp. Congratulations: a round of fruit punch on me!

  2. KieferSkunk Oct 24 2013 @ 17:25

    Talk about your pulp fiction. :)

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