I assure you, Mrs. Buttle, the Ministry is

  • I assure you, Mrs. Buttle, the Ministry is very scrupulous about following up and eradicating any error. If you have any complaints which you'd like to make, I'd be more than
  • happy to direct you to someone." "No thanks," Mrs Buttle said and left the ministry in disgust. She couldn't believe how they'd screwed up this matter involving corn, a parakeet,
  • a pair of sugar tongs, a tin of Portuguese anchovies, a rubiks cube, a pack of ready cubed pancetta and a Peppa Pig dolls house, "So screwed," said Mrs Buttle to no-one in particul
  • ar. Mrs. Buttle had seen it all and it left her sassy. She'd been through more mountains of insane obscene bullroar than anyone. So this last little blip of a scandal on the ass of
  • Mr. Buttle was no reason to fly off the handle, no reason to lose control, but when she recognized the pain and sacrifice Mr. Buttle had gone through to have a tatoo of Arnold Schw
  • -atz, the school bully, engraved upon his posterior, she knew that Mr. Buttle had completely lost his mind. Seriously, Arnie Schwartz would graduate eventually, but a tatoo is fore
  • ever and thus outlive the corrosive aspects of his worthless degree in toothpick whispering. Mr. Buttle however eventually was buried with that tattoo of Arnie Schwartz the toothpi
  • cketers wanted abolished. Arnie Schwartz was a dentist who discovered a compound to actually encourage teeth to regrow in on their own cavities, at least to an extent. Mr. Buttle
  • shouted at the conference press: "IMPOSSIBLE!" He couldn't believe his business was about to be destroyed due to Schwartz new invention. Tooth decay was part of human condition and
  • the god given right of every human alive. He popped a lolly in his mouth and stormed out of the press conference. β€œTo Hell with you all!” he yelled around his lolly.


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