He remembered laying on his bed last night,

  • He remembered laying on his bed last night, thinking about the math test he had tomorrow. The next thing Timmy knew he was waking up in the middle of a field, cold and confused!?!!
  • His stomach grumbled and he knew he would need food and water-- fast.
  • He found some fast food and some fast water and cured his ailments. Then he looked at
  • himself in the mirror. It's wasn't a fast glance. He took a good long look. Bad. He looked horrible in fact. Like death warmed over. He s-l-o-w-l-y opened the medicine cabinet
  • and saw his choices: Heroin, Methamphetamine, Mushrooms, Ecstasy, Cocaine, PCP, Crack, Ketamine, Marijuana, LSD. Decision-making was not easy. He decided to try eenie meenie miney
  • mo, but the dealer's bowie knife was unsheathed and he was impatiently tapping the table with it. It made Joe uneasy so he quickly pointed to the LSD. "Good choice," said the
  • knife-wielding dealer sharply. Not to sound paranoid, but it seemed like he was pointing me in that direction from the start. Two tabs dissolved swiftly on my tongue. Waves of
  • elastic sound stretching under the arcade lights. cream base and head splinters in digital flowers from the carnival shore. the pointing finger with no hand darting through space
  • is what the carnival gypsy said squinting into a dimly glowing globe of milk glass. I couldn't make heads or tails of her fortune demanding my money back, but she gave me the evil
  • smirk as a faint glint emitted from the white beverage, unfolding my destiny to her and her alone.


  1. Jimbeau Sep 07 2015 @ 12:35

    I think this is rather good!

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