Õpetajate IKT-alane koolitus

  • Õpetajate IKT-alane koolitus
  • Greetings Estonian teacher, as part of your ITC training, I welcome you to FoldingStory 101. We look forward to you becoming a future leader in our world domination plan
  • . We at Kabal & Conspiracy Itd. regard writing of impactful Estonian folds as an important facet in shaping public opinion in the Balkan World Sphere. FoldingStory 101 Lesson 1:
  • "Loo, Lisada, Lugu." The demo commercial ended and Andy Harcourt had to wait for several agonizing seconds before the COO of Kabal & Conspiracy, Ltd, commented to the CEO that
  • perhaps the unintelligible commercial would become as famous as "Louie Louie". "You might be on to something there," replied the CEO. Andy smiled, knowing it was in the bag! Kabal
  • istically speaking, Andy had gone through the proper channels and worked for ages. Hopefully the planets were properly aligned and his CEO would green-light his strange ad
  • to secretly melt everyone's brain disguised as a commercial for eclipse subscriptions. Andy was one step closer to ruling Jupiter, then the solar system.
  • "My brain-frying banner-ad will leave this world ripe for the picking!" Andy cackled. Alas, everyone used an AdBlocker, and the Jupiter colonists stopped running Flash years ago.
  • Diana Moon Glampers, in her first day as Handicapper General, issued the following edict to the colonists of Jupiter. "Re: Adblock:
  • Adversity advocates adaptation by adopting advantageous adjustments to adstreams. Additionally, admissible administrative advisory addenda adhere…" Her edict was tagged as spam.


  1. lucielucie Jan 17 2016 @ 12:15


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