The door creaked open."Trick-or-treat!" I

  • The door creaked open."Trick-or-treat!" I shouted, cringing inside, knowing what was going to happen next. "Ohhhhh myyyyyy," cackled old Mrs. Miller. "Come in, come in & let me
  • take a look at you, my pretty. Aren't you a bit old for pigtails? Oh & you have a littel dog to? Wait here while I get your treats'. Mrs. Miller hobbled into the kitchen. I dreaded
  • these visits with Mrs. Miller but I had to be nice to her because she had something I wanted: money. She came back into the room with the dog treats. "I was wondering, Mrs, Miller,
  • if you would do me the honour of accepting my hand in holy matrimony." "What about Mr Miller?" she said. "I never see problems, only solutions. If you give me a small advance, I
  • will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." But she had a truly pristine marriage concern. Mr. Miller had come between us, and why not? He came in a cold can, refreshing
  • every one of her delicate senses. It was obvious from the way she looked at him that he was her afternoon nap, yet also her midnight ice cream. Relaxing, yet dangerously so.
  • How to make the best of the situation kept alluding me. I was hung up on the scope of the query. Should I consider it only in the personal or should I really consider the general.
  • Purple Prof was consulted and the Foldarama began on schedule. The schizophrenics posted some of the best lines and were understandably undergoing laughter therapy. Improvised play
  • s were held, and the patients were so absorbed in the acting that they forgot about being in an asylum, even for only a brief time. They were too caught up in the stories, like us.
  • It was a time of happiness, until the bell rang signaling dinner. The patients kept up the act until the wardens came and forced them back to their cells. Food brought them back.


  1. PurpleProf Feb 13 2017 @ 23:14

    True story. Mrs. Miller, our neighbor who smelled of moth balls and applesauce, made us sing songs for her (while in costume) to get candy.

  2. LordVacuity Feb 14 2017 @ 00:26

    Yes, Devil's Singers. That wasn't moth balls that was eldritch taint and the applesauce clinches it. They were fallen Nephelim.

  3. LordVacuity Feb 14 2017 @ 00:27

    Actually, I mean she was fallen Nephilim.

  4. LordVacuity Feb 14 2017 @ 00:29

    But each one of her is legion, so there is that.

  5. Rebbie Feb 14 2017 @ 15:33

    My sweet old neighbor Margaret Space was more a grandmother to me than my own. She bought us full sized candy bars each Halloween and one time while watching fireworks her house caught fire. The whole neighborhood came together to put it out before any real damage was done. She died six months after they put her in a nursing home. I miss her.

  6. PurpleProf Feb 14 2017 @ 23:42

    Sorry, Rebbie! :(

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