He was a 6' 4" 250 lb albino with pigtails.

  • He was a 6' 4" 250 lb albino with pigtails. He usually sported snazzy Tshirts with punch lines like 'Keep staring, I might do a trick' and a nice Irish kilt. I met him for drinks
  • at the lesbian bar. When I asked him why he hung out (so to speak) in a lesbian bar. he said "I heard it was a muff divers heaven but it must be a secret because I never see any
  • divers. All I've seen around here are buttloads of muff. He said, "That's because this is Megamuff. The divers are there, you just can't see them." So I looked
  • around with my special muff goggles that filtered out all the muff. The divers were visible that way and I made my way over to one of them to ask him a question.
  • Gesturing with my hands I tried to ask the dive team whether the submarine was loaded with contraceptive torpedos. Meanwhile he tadpole-like swarm headed for the giant sphere
  • known as "Earth". The amphibious moon bunnies cursed the space-tadpoles which dove into Earth's atmosphere. Many of them burned up, but some plummeted into the oceans, impregnating
  • the planet. Whenever a volcano erupts it is the birth of a cosmic toad, the next stage in sapient evolution, and the pinnacle
  • of daytime talk shows. But if evolution didn't exist, then cosmic toads aren't really the pinnacle of anything.
  • But then i had to stop all these random thoughts as my boyfriend grunted and ejaculated into me, just as i spasmed into a gigantic orgasm of my own. And now all that was left was
  • his dead weight on top of me. He'd said he'd "die to be with me" and now he was...dead, that is. I grinned and slithered back into the dark of the French Quarter, waiting.


  1. PurpleProf Oct 21 2012 @ 10:37

    Now I'm hungry for a muffaletta from Central Grocery in NOLA.

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