Calvin was working the corner. Hobbes was

  • Calvin was working the corner. Hobbes was on look out. Omar sat in a car, watching. Marlow rolled up in a Caddy.
  • At first, I stood still watching so that the men didnt suspect me. I knew that by walking casually by them, I would have the most success... meaning, I had to be anything but
  • nervous. I skipped pass the men swinging my purse back and forth."La, tra-la, la, nothing to see here, I am innocent as a new born lamb." I hoped my demeanor would allow me to
  • sneak into the museum. Once I got past the guards, I blended into the crowd and worked my way to the jewel exhibit I wanted to see. I planned to "borrow" the largest jewel of all:
  • the infamous "Ronald's Kidney Stone". It was the most beautiful gem I had ever seen, a beautiful root beer brown. Just as I approached the case, I heard a whisper in my ear. "You
  • are under arrest". I turned to say: "What for? and err why are you whispering?". The policeman explained that there was a huge rabies infected panda behind me sleeping. I reached
  • And gave him the panda, who had taken a sleeping pill and asked if they would be satisfied with that. The policeman said yes. The panda wasn't even mine and I didn't know hinamee
  • could play the sitar but I was about to find out. They invited me to follow them into the 2nd garden where the forking path changed color. It was now an azure cerulean mix Panda
  • disco! And it was raining men! And Donna Summers was there, looking for her cake! I lingered there a while, mesmerized by the light-up dance floor, but then the floor swallowed me
  • like a nostril slurping up cocaine in the Ladies Room lounge, and I found myself floating in a pool of saltwater somewhere in Maine. I was a child again, and my bottom was sandy.


  1. LordVacuity Jul 08 2017 @ 11:40

    Sandy bottoms in the Rhine...

  2. Jimbeau Jul 10 2017 @ 13:29

    White powder on the nose...saltwater on the skin...sand on the buns...what could be better?

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