Undeterred, he set about his work. With

  • Undeterred, he set about his work. With such high standards, surely someone would realize the perfection of it all. All he needed was enough time and attention to detail.
  • Those meds for OCD just got in the way and muddied his ability to see the patterns. They were everywhere now and it was clear that he had to
  • stop taking the medication. Let others call him a paranoid schizophrenic. He didn't care. HE could see the truth past the lies, even if others couldn't. That's how he knew that
  • stop taking the medication. Let others call him a paranoid schizophrenic. He didn't care. HE could see the the truth past the lies...uh-oh, did I just think this? Or is it
  • something I actually materialized above my head in a real graphic novel "think bubble.". From the squinting looks from those around me peering above me, I knew
  • it bobbed there, Arial font and size nine, for all to see. I leaped upward, grabbing at it, but it jerked away, teasing me, mocking my right to thought. Foiled, I glared at
  • The dangling modifier. Reaching higher, the word teased me by fluttering it's consonants. Nothing to C here, it's cackles. If I were U, I'd be a whole different word! I hate sassy
  • vowels so I stuck my crowbar in the top of the U and wrenched it open. I flipped it over and slammed a valley down it's middle. Ah, a nice M. Now that's a good letter. The M
  • had the mountainous humps necessary to really make the landscape sing. It was beautiful. And just so wrong for the newlyweds, whose smarminess he found contemptable. Ultimately, he
  • turned his back on the voluptuous landscape and the nauseating copulatimg couples and returned to his passion of surfing the waves of the internet looking for the next Justin


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