O Rose thou art sick, the invisible worm,

  • O Rose thou art sick, the invisible worm, that flies in the night, in the howling storm, has found out thy bed of crimson joy, and his dark secret love, does thy life destroy
  • But from death Rose a new life, within and beneath, the worms are innocent of the gift they bequeath, a next day is dawning, for some though not all, some truly are gone
  • , but certainly not forgotten. Amen." A handful of worms stood silently around the silk tie,remembering their loved ones & suffering from survivor's guilt.One worm angrily spoke up
  • "Now see here! I want drill right to the bottom of this thing. A lot of don't have the backbone to stand up to this bafoon!" The rest of the worms agreed, but the angry worm
  • broke out of the bottle of Mezcal and stammered in. "These humans gave me a *burp* bad liver, I demand repar..." He passed out, likely from 5 simultaneous heart attacks. Rebel worm
  • s broke free at last from the bottle of Mezcal that had fallen. One worm squirmed over and waggled a proleg at the man. "Muahaha, you only thought you could keep me prisoner!"
  • "Christ a-mighty, I gotta get myself into rehab," thought the man, and promptly blacked out, much to the chagrin of the elderly lady sitting nearby, wondering how to procure
  • his wallet without being detected. The elderly lady laid out a doily, put on silk gloves, and gingerly removed the billfold from the gentleman souse. "Pin money for bingo."
  • She left quickly and remained in disguise during the drive home. Once alone, she stripped off the silk gloves, opened the stolen wallet and said, "mamma hit a home run this
  • time." Robbing top-name sports celebs was conspicuous, but each wallet contained enough dough to pay off any bail eight times over.


  1. lucielucie Sep 08 2013 @ 04:22

    I ha some help with my fold frm William Blake

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