Dear Abby, I know the grass isn't always

  • Dear Abby, I know the grass isn't always greener on the other side, especially on Mars, but some of my Martian friends tell me they are born with a full cosmoconception and a path
  • ological happiness making paradise seem redundant.The problem is they flaunt it while I toil grimly on my parched plot in Ares Vallis.How can live with the injustice? -BLUE ON MARS
  • BARS! That disgusting candy. So unjust. Not like a Mr. Goodbar, who modestly shows his peanuts. The Mars Bar should be incarcerated. Forced to do hard time. No Sir! No freedom
  • for this candy. A shame they've abolished the death penalty for Mars Bars, since the electric chair turns them into FRIED Mars Bars, which are 1000 times more diabolical and taste
  • like melted chocolate & caramel, which is what they are; let's face it. They coulda been something. Something sweet and savory. Now they're only fried and crusty burnt-out shells.
  • Like myself. Like my pathetic, worthless, loveless self. Who can eat this sweet candy? It reminds me of what I lost and never deserved. I am a filthy, sub-human monster, and sweets
  • are my idol. I guzzle them week after week, and I get really sugar high and end up staring at my bedroom wall for days on end. But then, I stopped eating for a while because
  • I forgot how to make a sandwich. The doctor looked at me over her half moon glasses. "You need a therapeutic break in a spa in the Bavarian mountains. Only intensive massage of
  • mayonnaise in the lumbar region, a daily scalp mustard plaster and wearing a piece of sliced ham under a Bavarian lederhosen or dirndl will bring back your sandwich making skills
  • to rival those of that famous German gasthaus sandwich chain, "Unterführung." Best not to ask for bratwurst in your lederhosen, though. Some people would just not understand.


  1. SlimWhitman Jun 07 2014 @ 11:35

    Knackige Wurst or just happy to see me?

  2. lucielucie Jun 08 2014 @ 09:57

    I just put that into google translate & it came out with 'crispy sausage' - is that right?

  3. SlimWhitman Jun 09 2014 @ 08:51

    Think ballpark franks... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knackwurst The slang definitions here http://de.bab.la/woerterbuch/deutsch-englisch/knackiger picks up the second meaning. see definitions marked [ung], where umg. is the abbrev. for Umgangssprache=slang]

  4. lucielucie Jun 09 2014 @ 09:00

    How you bamboozle me with your German double entendres!

  5. SlimWhitman Jun 09 2014 @ 15:12

    I am here for your bamboozlement!

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