I stepped out of the burning room. What I

  • I stepped out of the burning room. What I had done to deserve such a terrible start to the day? 'We should call the fire brigade,' said Jenny,coughing on a little on the smoke from
  • the Easy-Bake Oven. I popped open its burning door to salvage what I could of my breakfast burrito. "Tom, don't! It's too dangerous!" Jenny shouted. But the smell of burnt sausage
  • was diminished by the smell of my charred fingers, and since Jenny was running out of sausages she chopped them off. "Might as well use them, since you won't be able to use them
  • because you can only eat Kosher. It was true, my charred fingers were a made of Pork, and I couldn't eat them with everyone else. My "pork hand" has been strong ever since
  • those lonely nights as a teenager, but the less you know about that the happier you'll be. And so my quest for a delicious Kosher meal continued into the night.
  • Tim's hips slowly rocked back and forth, his manly symbol slowly sliding from him to her. It was a magical Jewish moment. He had found the perfect Kosher meal in Tiffany.
  • Tiffany thus leavened soon had a bun in the oven. Tiffany's parents were Catholic & insisted she marry but Tim's parents wanted him to marry a jewish girl. Tim said 'Tiff's kosher!
  • ' while behind his back he motioned Tiffany to quick get rid of the polish sausage she was gnawing on. "Buuuut...I'm craving SAU-sage!" she whined, causing Tim's Jewish parents to
  • whip Tiffany's sausage out of her hand, chuck it to the dog, and substitute 2 huge kosher kolbasas, 1 in each hand. Tim smiled adoringly, his parents were happy, Tiffany was sated
  • ...for the time being. She'd need more jumbo meat tubes in a moment or so, and she'd fetch a fair price in dog-walking services to provide for Tim's whole family. Don't ask.


  1. lucielucie Apr 16 2013 @ 15:16

    Good to see the recurring oven and sausage themes.

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