Alright. Let me sure I got the facts straight.

  • Alright. Let me sure I got the facts straight. Our suspect is a) Alive "check" b) born in the 80's "check" c) lives upstairs "check" and d) likes cheese "check". Well, Officer Plod
  • , who do you think he is? Officer Plod lay a finger aside his nose & snorted. This is what he'd always do when he didn't know what to do. The suspect sat there waiting, grinning.
  • Officer Plod scratched his head. The suspect watched, blank-faced, revealing nothing. "State your name!" demanded Officer Plod. Silence. "Oh, so you want to play hardball, do ya?"
  • Officer Plod put the soft ball down and picked up a hard ball. Plod threw a catcher's mitt at the suspect. The suspect belched, "Two can play at this game." True enough thought Plo
  • d and threw a curveball. The suspect expertly caught it mid-thigh. "Ball!" the suspect yelled and taunted him with obscene hand signals. Irritated, Officer Plod threw a change-up
  • He realized immediately, that he should have gone with his split fingered fastball, his best pitch. A changeup? What we he thinking! The ball sailed towards the suspect, hanging
  • a little to the left as usual and then arching up sharply into the air. The suspect grinned as it sailed past. "Keep your balls under control would you?!" yelled the coach. The bat
  • flew to the ground as the suspect raced across the pitch. It was a victory for the team, for now. The man with the binoculars wrote down a few notes on his notepad and walked away.
  • Yes, he walked away, which the team thought was quite strange, especially considering the man in the binoculars was actually a disguised Donald Trump. Now we knew he was going to
  • rule not only the United States but the world. All Donald Trump needed was lots of cash and a lot of toupee's. Now if he could only get rid of


  1. PurpleProf Sep 08 2015 @ 22:11


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