He grasped the window-ledge, peeked his head

  • He grasped the window-ledge, peeked his head over enough to see what was happening inside. Let the fantasy grow, build, until he was standing next to her, in his head - ready to
  • help her flush that Russian Toilette, but instead he was horrified. Through the window he saw a tiny
  • elephant, the kind no one liked to talk about. She must have known he was petrified of tiny elephants. She must have gotten one just for this purpose. Indignantly,
  • he shut his eyes to the elephant in the room. Despite her puerile attempts, he would not be distracted from his job. "Alright," I said, "let's lay out what happened one more time."
  • Suddenly the lights in the room went out. Despite her best attempts, she could not find the switch. The elephant blew its trunk loudly. "Alright," I said, "We can still solve th
  • -is Sudoku the old-fashioned way. Jimmy, get me a pencil! I've got a hunch the number right here is...
  • the equivolent of inches to my cock. 1+1=2...Unless the condom breaks! This sudoku puzzle can take a joke. Much more than my dead exwife. She
  • never laughs at anything anymore. Or maybe it's a shovel to the face she couldn't take. I tried to explain to the police it was just a joke, but they never showed up at my door.
  • Two hours later she regained consciousness. Funny, after that shovel-in-the-face episode, she wouldn't speak to me anymore. I couldn't understand it. Ours was a strange relationshi
  • p. Some days we dug eachother. On others I'd unearth her dirtiest secrets, but I realized my Ex is still the one I love deep down so I made amends & moved in with her 6 ft under.


  1. PurpleProf Jul 28 2013 @ 21:27

    Awesome ending Mr. SlimWhitman!

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