He sat alone in the dark listening to a thousand

  • He sat alone in the dark listening to a thousand psychic wars and about coming home. But nobody ever comes back unbroken: good or bad, either way, broken.
  • Broken and lost.Betrayed by all the other worldly factors.He sat alone while his spirit flew free slowly enveloping the darkness inside his soul.
  • He was never quite the same again. His hollowed out body lived for nothing more than breathing, eating and the occasional fart. There was no purpose. There was no porpoise.
  • Okay. Which is it: purpose or porpoise. Hell-o? I'm waiting... All right, then... He was wasting away. Gaunt from emaciation brought on from eating, breathing, and farting...
  • stumbling on words because there was nothing his body could perform well anymore except for basic bodily functions. He was now almost in a vegetative state, and he would soon rest.
  • I watched him slipping away. Tears rolling down my already moist cheeks. "I'm so sorry," Tyler held my shaking hands. "To see him in this vegetative state must hurt?" I nodded.
  • "You must regret all those times you called him a dildo-head," Tyler said. I nodded again. More tears. "And...and that time you lied & cheated on him," Tyler continued. "And also
  • the time you ate his share of the ice cream and blamed it on your children." Wow, my therapist, Tyler, knew way more about my personal life than I thought he did."I bugged your car
  • Radio so I knew you had NPR on and heard me on your way to work. When you parked the car, it began folding stories. Ambassadors are well educated and the exhaust pipe gurgled
  • in a self-satisfied fashion as the car came to a halt in the last available spot. I shouted "I love you!" over the radio but it was too late. Off you went to work, never knowing.


  1. Woab Mar 06 2017 @ 13:04

    Oh! Oh! How tragic!

  2. Rebbie Mar 06 2017 @ 13:15

    This was painful to read. Someone should post this.

  3. Woab Mar 06 2017 @ 13:31

    It's on the facebook page.

  4. Rebbie Mar 06 2017 @ 13:55

    Thanks Woab!

  5. PurpleProf Mar 06 2017 @ 16:57

    This story is a little too true for so many...

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