Janice got seriously stuck. She tried to

  • Janice got seriously stuck. She tried to wriggle her way out of the warm stinking mud, but every move made the mud suck her body further down. She was tired, hungry, thirsty and
  • questioning this detox-accumulate-wealth-look-younger-find-true-love-align-your-chi spa diet. She was now buried in mud up to her armpits and Moondrip, her spa “guide,” had disapp
  • eared with her towel & Feng Shui crystal.There was a vulger sucking sound coming from the far end of the mud bath.She squinted in the candle light & saw an amphibian creature emerg
  • e from the slimy depths. A cephalopodic face turned its jundice eyes to her. "I'll be your theraputic message this evening." The tenacles tapped her back applying shiatsu pressure
  • with his suction cups, channeling his pent-up lust into her sore trapezius until she was stuck for good. The sly yet affectionate Kraken smiled as he asked, "Happy ending?" Her nod
  • was subtle, nearly imperceptible, but it was there. The Kraken grinned lasciviously now. Openly leering as it layered tentacle upon tentacle upon her flesh. She tried to take a bre
  • ath but the tentacles were encased around Andromeda's bosoms, squeezing her rib cage, disallowing her lungs to fill with air. Just then, Perseus flew in on Pegasus to save the day!
  • But Pegasus's wing cramped up. Perseus and the winged-horse spiraled down towards the water. But Poseiden's trident caught them, but Medusas's head splashed into the water bobbing
  • , bobbing everywhere, then off into the sunset never to be seen again. Poseiden roared mightily and lifted Perseus and his winged horse overhead, then with a rebel yell, he cried,
  • "More! More! More!" Roger Moore looked over his shades, sipped his Sex on the Beach, then said "It's Sir Moore, if you don't mind." Grace Jones nodded silently beside him.


  1. jayursus Feb 16 2013 @ 19:17

    Wow - tentacle porn and "Clash of the Titans", all in one juicy fold! The only thing better would be a battle to the death between Harrty Hamlin's and Bill Shatner's hair in a Clash/Star Trek mash-up.

  2. sundancer Feb 18 2013 @ 23:21

    Love it. The old version wins!

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